Cognisant of the damage being done to the planet by human activity, Galway International Arts Festival aims to transition the festival to a sustainable future by significantly reducing its carbon footprint over the next number of years.
Our Commitments
In 2022 the organisation developed a number of goals it wished to achieve by 2025 which include:
sourcing 50% of its energy requirements from renewable resources by then,
reducing current waste production by 55%,
working with its supply chains to deliver more sustainable options,
using Festival programming to highlight sustainability issues,
establishing partnerships that will help it achieve its goals,
promoting behaviours in its staff, volunteers and audiences that will reduce its impact on the environment.
Support and help us to reduce our impact on the environment.
A key part of this is, asking our audience to plan their Festival attendance with sustainability in mind and so we would ask you to consider the following:
So, if you live in Ireland, take a bus or a train or share a ride to Galway.
If you are an international attendee, make use of flights that emits a lower carbon footprint.
Walk, use a bicycle, or use public transportation to Festival venues while you are at the Festival.
Use the appropriate designated waste bins at all Festival locations for recyclables, food waste and general waste accordingly.
Avoid using single use plastic where you can.
Opt for e-ticketing.
Every one of these actions will support us in achieving our goals and if you have any queries our new Green Ambassador team who you will see at various Festival venues are there to help with regard to all things sustainability.
We look forward to seeing you in Galway and we very much hope that you enjoy the Festival.