Governance Overview

Galway International Arts Festival is a registered trading name of Galway Arts Festival CLG. Galway Arts Festival CLG is governed by a voluntary board of Directors. The Organisation is committed to good governance and is compliant with the Governance Code. The organisation complies with all regulatory requirements and operates in accordance with its governing document, available here.

The organisation keeps detailed books and records of accounts and maintains strict financial controls. The organisation is transparent in its audited financial statements, with the most recent statements (2023) available here. These statements are compliant with the Statement of Recommended Practice for charities and not-for profit entities as developed in the UK in 2005 (SORP), which is currently accepted as best practice in Ireland.

Galway Arts Festival is a registered charity (CHY 10298). The organisation is open, honest and fully transparent in its fundraising activities, the proceeds of which all go towards the primary activity of organising and promoting an annual arts festival. The organisation is committed to compliance with the Statement of Guiding Principles of Good Fundraising. Our fundraising policy is available at the link below.